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Updated: Dec 26, 2018

Sunflowers coming to life… an excitement always stirs in me when I see them. The once green and prickly head begins to reveal a sunshine within that was hidden before.

Petal by petal opens and surrounds a whole new face – the sunflower as it should be. The unveiling is mysterious and beautiful, much like the healing of a human heart… when Jesus’ joy pours on the barren land of a broken soul and the beauty and purpose once hidden finds its breath again and shines with burning color. The process isn’t always easy and what is buried is often deep. But when the petals of a heart that once held tight in hiding begin to move as the King leads, bringing truth that washes over the hurt and lies, peace that passes over the fear that froze, a whole new

life is revealed – a life as it should be.

It’s an awakening.


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