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Updated: May 9, 2019

Meet Beatrice, a genuine eastern bluebird. We met under rather tense circumstances you see, as it was the eve before the snow and she was busy making preparations. As such, as soon as she had perched on a branch close enough for my camera to capture, she was gone again. It was so terribly disappointing that, I must admit, my reaction was altogether uncanny. I stood there alone in the frigid air and called out with all my might, “Whither thou goest, O illustrious?!?!” But alas, she cared not to tell. Or so I thought. A few moments passed and suddenly there was a flash of feathers and to my surprise, the same branch once again beheld the same bird. She looked right into the lens and struck a most becoming pose like only a bustling bluebird could. And so I got my picture. Thank you Beatrice for fitting me into your busy schedule. You are most kind indeed.


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