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Watchmen for Wonder

Updated: Jan 2, 2019

Day after day they pour forth speech,” the psalmist said of the skies. “Night after night they display knowledge…” The heavens were hung over the earth to proclaim that our small broken globe is not all there is, that we are not alone for we are not our own. And even if darkness holds hearts heavy to the earth’s floor and they cannot see what is spoken above, the very stones will cry out on behalf of their Maker. The message won’t be missed.

This is why I take pictures. And in the midst of capturing moments of proclamation I’m often reminded of words from His Book, such as those from John 1:5 for the image below.

There are places that have long been held under the dominion of darkness and I believe God is now sending His Light and taking them back. Where deception once bred, fiercely binding all who bought it, truth will shine and purify- people will go free. Christians that once cowered behind stained glass windows will be exalted to proclaim the gospel with boldness. The voice of Jesus will call out louder than ever before over every tribe and people and multitudes of souls will turn to the Way, the Truth and the Life and say yes to their redemption. They will know the Great I Am. May the Church understand the times and with humility and unity join Christ in proclaiming His good news as it covers every corner of the world He so loves.

“Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told.” (Habakkuk 1:5)

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:5)


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