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Eden & Gethsemane

Updated: May 17, 2023

We betrayed Him twice in gardens. Eden with a fruit forbidden to us, Gethsemane with a kiss.

Both led to loss and death. They were our choices, but never out of His control.

The pain that makes hearts numb is what He worked through to show His glory.

I love how John 18: 4-9 shows that even in His death Jesus was not at the mercy of men. They were at His mercy as they carried out His plan.

The chapter says Jesus was with His disciples on the night of His arrest, and when Roman soldiers entered the olive grove with torches they would have taken them all.

But Jesus stopped the officials with a question. They fell down before Him and didn't move again until it was clear they would take Him alone.

In doing this He fulfilled these words:

"Of those You have given Me,

I have not lost one of them".

That is the anthem of the Husband Who cut through Hell to take back His Bride. It is the roar of the Holy Lion coming again to bring her home.

Of those given to Him, He will not lose any of us...for He is far greater than we thought Him to be in the gardens of Eden and Gethsemane.

"Of those you have given Me, I have not lost one of them."

John 18:9


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