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This Far You May Come and Further Still

Updated: May 3, 2023

Choosing Jesus opens up the wonderful world of enjoying Him. He made all the beautiful personalities of the world, and I’m not alone in believing He has the best one. How could He not?

He loves to laugh at my lists. You know, things I wanted Him to do, or all the things I thought He wanted me to do. The way He laughed at my list is how I fell in love with Him.

It wasn’t really that there was anything wrong with the list, it’s just … there was something better. And He invites us every day to choose what is better.

He’s gentle at how He unravels our tight grip around things that don’t matter. And there are so many things that don’t. matter.

So this has been something I hear in my spirit lately, an invitation from the source of all the joy in the world:

Will you look for Me today? Will you enjoy Me?”

Will you enjoy Me.

How did we miss this?

This Holy Healer, our Salvation from all sense of separation; this Mighty Commander of starry hosts, Whose presence is in a child’s laughter – yes, yes, yes – our beautiful Jesus, He must be completely and fully enjoyed. This is how He heals us, how He ends that ache of separateness.

What is the essence of His beautiful gospel? God coming closer by His own making and choosing. Walking among us, dwelling within us… holding Him at arm's length is not reverence. And thinking He keeps us at a distance is not humility.

"This far you may come and no further” is His command to the waves, not to His people.

This far we may come and further and further still. And this far He may come and further and further still in us. That is the holy exchange of enjoying Jesus.

"Blessed are the ones You choose,

and cause to approach You"

-Psalm 65:4 (NKJV)

"...who is he who will devote

himself to be close to me?' declares the Lord."

-Jeremiah 30:21 (NIV)

Verse referenced: Job 38:11 (waves)


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