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Explore Your Healer

We’ve reached the end of our idols here, they dried up and cracked. We ran up their surface and fell off the edge- took the diving board into the dark parts of what we thought we’d escaped.

“Explore Me. Explore Me. Explore Me.” That’s the mercy-invite to those of us flailing admittedly. You can’t fall off the edge of God, there’s no edge. He's the beginning and the end but He has no end or beginning. We’re meant to get lost in Him because getting lost in Him means coming home.

Do you ask Him questions? You’ll ask much of one you want to know better. Do we want to know Him better? He said to Jeremiah "call to Me and I'll show you what is unsearchable" and then He showed him what Jeremiah could have never foreseen- the promised restoration of the Jewish people to their land and Messiah, a fulfillment we're witnessing today (Jeremiah 33).

Seek Him all the days of your life and He'll speak the unsearchable to you. The deeper you walk into Him the more He becomes to you- Jesus will take your hand and lead you into Himself- He’s the union of the intimate and the infinite.

Our Healer wants to be explored, and we need to do this. The goal is not to fully grasp Him, but to be convinced that He cannot be fully grasped. And because He can’t be fully grasped, we can never stop exploring Him.

"Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great

and unsearchable things which you do not know."

Jeremiah 33:3


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Apr 23, 2023

Great line: you can’t fall off the edge of God. That’s poetry. As well as profoundly true.

Apr 24, 2023
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thank you John!



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