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Flame on the Water

Updated: May 24, 2023

Jesus stands on His ocean and looks at me far away.

Then suddenly He's taking my hand.

He is within me calling me out to Himself.


God's Spirit is like fire and like water. He's a holy fire, a speaking fire, a stream and a torrent.

His Spirit is like oil and wind. An oil that is anointing, a wind that carries Words.

I find it sort of wonderful that God chose seemingly contradictory forces to symbolize His Spirit in us. His water quenches the Liar's ruin roar in the ear of His people, but coexists with a Fire that is true, righteous and avenging, ending the enemy and everything unholy.

Oil and water oppose, but oil on water can light up. And with wind fire can spread and build on the surface of water. These are just thoughts, but maybe God intentionally chose forces of tension because He is the King of Reconciling. He is the Source of each of these things.

The Holy Spirit comes like a fire in our hearts and the fire is good. He's a fire we need, consuming everything we were never meant to become. He indwells us as a stream, a rainfall, an ocean that we fall in so we know Who we were made for is far more than we imagine Him to be.

So it is when the Spirit of God quickens the spirits of His people-- there comes to live within us a flame on the water.

John 7:38 (water), Acts 2:1-4 (wind and fire), Acts 10:38 (anointing/oil)


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