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In the stillness that I've fought but has been required for Jesus to do surgery in me,

I've seen this:

He is gentle. Very much so.

I didn’t expect this, and I don’t know why I thought He could be anything other than, because if the All-Powerful, Almighty One was anything but gentle I’d die.

You can’t see the beauty of the gentleness of Jesus until you understand His unmatched strength and power.

We’re more at His mercy than we often realize and one day those who have made covenant with death will find Him rightly wrathful. But for those under the blood covering of the life-giving covenant, the Infinite One is wholly intimate. Offering everything. Taking only that which stands in the way of us offering everything to Him in return.

That’s the surgery part, the dying to self and digging up lies part.

That’s the pride-killing, childlike, prostrate surrender: the invitation to wrestle and lie still and behold the gentleness of Jesus.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29


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