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Master of My Mystery

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

He led my lonely lover heart into the desert.

And taught me He’s the Master of the mystery piece.

I knew that Jesus would never relent in breaking me away from my gods and soul-drying substitutes, no matter how great the suffering for me, no matter how great the suffering for Him.

When He put my clay heart back on His Potter’s wheel I fought Him. Because to be made whole is to be made breakable again. To be healed is a great act of courage, and bleeding souls want to be hidden. Broken hearts want to grow hard.

I had to become painfully aware that this world does not have anything for me so I could realize it was never meant to. I had to become desperate so I could take my broken pieces back to my heart’s Maker and learn He was Who I really sought after.

I had to realize the answers were not in me

so I could know the One Who is the Master of my mystery.


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