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Mind of Maker

Updated: Dec 26, 2018

I have to say, I’ve always been of the persuasion that Job 38-41 contains probably the most epic speech in the history of all time. It’s powerful, precise and poignant. It’s a conversation between God and a man. The speech was prompted by words multiplied without knowledge (an all too common scenario down here), and God responded with a series of questions that evoke the gift of thought through this consistent undertone: Who is He— And who are we?

Photography has often induced the same thought process for me. When one stands behind a lens to capture the work of an Artist who was and is and is yet to come, it is difficult for humility to not kindle through simple truths as these:

When the earth’s dimensions were laid, God was there. I was not. When light broke forth and something came from nothing, God spoke. I did not. When the sting of death was defeated at His resurrection, and the mouth of hell forever shut to those who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, God saved the world. For we never could.

He is the Potter at the wheel, we are the clay in His hands and His thoughts towards us and plans for us are good and perfect. So I must say this: peace rests in those who trust the mind of the Maker.


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