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Some Things I'm Finding

The more God sets me free, the more I'm finding:

  • If you want to be healthy, when it comes to Jesus, you better get clingy. It’s the one relationship where this is good and, in fact, necessary.

  • Jesus is less in the business of ‘teaching you lessons’ and more on the mission of wild soul-freedom and restored intimacy.

  • Being exhausted, burned out and bitter is not the result of serving God: it’s the result of pleasing people.

  • Jesus is beautifully self-sustained. He’s not dependent on us to accomplish anything, our participation is always an invitation. There is a correlation between resurrection power and resting (still exploring this, see Luke 23:55-56).

  • Falling in love with someone you can’t physically see is not natural, and most people who don’t understand it would rightfully think it’s crazy. But when a living and active Word and Spirit bring you into communion with a very real and breathing Body at the right hand of the throne of God- your own spirit wakes up, your own body starts to breathe better-in the midst of a world aligned with death, you can align again with life and SEE it change you.

  • Jesus loves to surpass our knowledge, and we need to welcome Him to surpass it continually.

"If I were hungry I would not tell you,

for the world is mine, and all that is in it."

Psalm 50:12


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