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The Lion Child

Is it a merciful disruption to be cut off from what your heart desires? Again and again until you've given up trying? All the fears you fought won it seems. And like a lonely child in the desert void of familiar comfort, now it's just you and the Lion.

So you lean on the Lion. And when we lean on Him we start to look different:

"Who is this coming up from the desert, leaning on her Lover?" (Song of Songs 8:5)

Coming up is a Lion child. The Spirit of the Almighty came to marry the lonely child and so made her His Lion child. And there is no greater affection or desire to be found in any other lover than what Jesus offers over and over. All day and night He works to do this in the secret places of hearts who have surrendered to nourishment from Him; the Lion of Judah's people. It's a resurrection wonder that our suffering can make way to all that we're truly seeking.

Is it a grace-filled disruption to enter a desert with the Lion? I know it is.

The Spirit of the Almighty came to marry the lonely child and so made her, so made him, His Lion child.

He's in the desert raising up many.

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert

and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards,

and will make the Valley of Achor [Trouble] a door of hope."

Hosea 2:14-15

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Debbie Utz
Debbie Utz
Apr 19, 2022

What beautiful writing! I could feel it! Favorite sentence: He's in the desert raising up many.

Needed it. Loved it!



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