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Updated: Dec 26, 2018

For some reason all summer I wanted to take a picture of a thistle. I really don’t know why. It was just a thought mainly. I’d found the purple prickles fascinating. But the only ones I’d seen growing were by a busy road….so, that wasn’t happening. After a while I’d just about forgotten about the whole thing, as it really was not important. Then about a month ago as I was starting out on a walk, I got to the top of our driveway and turned – and there, right there, was a thistle plant growing tall and about to bloom! Needless to say, there was much rejoicing. I went out to take pictures as soon as evening light replaced harsh rays and suddenly a thought caught me – this was a Jesus gift.

Why does He do it? The God who holds the world and all her pain in His hands, who opens the eyes of the blind, frees captives from prison, releases from the dungeon those who sit in darkness, tells the sun to shine and the rain to fall and is so, so great- why does He, the King of glory, too concern Himself with things so small, so seemingly unnecessary? He does it for joy’s sake. For a greater revealing of His character. To say the words: “I’m here. I see you. I know your thoughts. I know your dreams. I count your smiles and hold your tears. The big and the small, it ALL matters to Me.” It’s His call to every heart, saved or still seeking- “I know you. And I love you.”


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