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Unlawful Colors

Jesus walked the world and many did not recognize Him. He'll show up in colors and sounds religion deems illegal, not what we've known or the way it's always been.

He healed on the Sabbath and the Pharisees cried, "Unlawful!" He came to break our laws and fulfill His own. That was the birth of our redemption.

He's King of colors, sounds, wonders we haven't seen. We need to want our knowledge surpassed. Our comfort and illusion of control made us forget: we're still screaming on the inside.

Jesus is calling for return. A repentance that lets us know Him as we never have. To recognize His signet seal, His alone authority, discerning what is holy from what is adulterous. Yeshua is making clear to a world intimate with evil: His Bride will have no business with lesser lovers.

"Even now, declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart" (Joel 2:12).


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