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Worthless Things

Updated: May 10, 2020

Thank God He transcends the confines of my finite thinking. That in everything He is wasting nothing. So I'm asking Him: please don't let my time be robbed by worthless things. Worthless worrying about what I don't know but He knows already. We're returning to Him and He's preparing us: because resting in Him is how we armor-up.

Jesus says "come see what I am doing" and "seek Me while I may be found"; so turn my eyes away from worthless things, let me set before my eyes no vile thing- may there be no successful distracting.

Foxes ruin vineyards and we need our joy guarded.

I have to trust Him to satisfy and cover all that’s open and empty:

Jesus is more magnetic than every allure that’s pulling me.

"Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word."

(Psalm 119:37)


"You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing."

(Psalm 145:16)


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